
Gunjan Banerji
Natasa Bansagi
Jessica Cartwright
James Farrell
Noreyana Fernando
Marybel Gonzalez
Jack Goodman
Kyra Gurney
Muna Habib
Vicky Huang
Lana Lee
Simone McCarthy
Samantha McDonald
Santiago Melli-Huber
Krutika Pathi
Sarah Ravani
David Roza
Aditi Sangal
Cydney Tucker

Site Producers

Katerina Iliakopoulou
Ang Li

Project Manager

Mary Kekatos

Photo Editor

Caroline Spivack

Video Editor

Justine Miller

Graphics/Data Visualisation Editor

Katerina Iliakopoulou

Faculty Advisors

Mike Hoyt
Christine McKenna
Ed Robbins
Simon Surowicz
Dody Tsiantar

Photo Credits

Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office, Kevin Case
NYC Mayor’s Office, Joe Loong
New York Police Department
Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo

Special Thanks

Kareem Nelson and Luis Lopez
New York City Women’s Shooting Sports League
Westside Rifle & Pistol Range
Commander James “Rocky” Robinson
Natasha Christopher
Keith Feldman
Christine Park
Jeffrey Solomon, Houses on the Moon
Elaine Lane, Brenda Currin, Cristina Hernandez and Jenna Worsham
Joe Usatch, Frank Bonamo, Dakota “Cody” Oher, Richard Siena, Quentin Lettieri, Peter Rowan, Glen Ziolo, Marlon Davis, Eitan “Ace the Jeweler” Aliaz, Beverly Morris, George Shea, Jason Brown, Matthew Conlon, and Glenn Kearney