Late Summer Scene: Morris Heights Health Center Morris Heights Health Center, which first opened in 1991, is expanding in the Bronx—and celebrating! August 18, 2014 Pauline Bock Late Summer Scenes Share
Late Summer Scenes Late Summer Scene: Near Yankee Stadium All you need in late August is a couple of bicycles and a place to race them. August 18, 2014 Max Burman Share
Late Summer Scenes, Manhattan Late Summer Scene: An East Village Barbershop Barbers spend a summer afternoon serving up drinks and haircuts August 18, 2014 Shannon Luibrand Share
Late Summer Scenes, Manhattan Late Summer Scene: Fifth Avenue Construction Site At a Manhattan worksite where a building once stood, the job is to separate the metal from the rest of the debris August 18, 2014 Cherno Baba Jallow Share
Late Summer Scene: On the Street in Mott Haven Gloria watches the scene from her wheelchair and talks to—everyone! August 18, 2014 Thomas Davis Late Summer Scenes Share
Late Summer Scenes, Manhattan Late Summer Scene: Little Flower Playground A young boy causes trouble on a skateboard, but his friends roll with the punches August 15, 2014 Arianna Skibell Share