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October 2016

By Daniella Emanuel Hillary Clinton and Jill Stein supporters in New York are making verbal pacts to swap votes with swing state voters. Some voters in New York are finding people who live in swing states who are either undecided or Green Party, and asking them to vote for Clinton there, promising them that they will vote for Stein in New York in exchange. Their goals are to increase the chance of federal funding for the Green Party and aid Clinton in winning the swing state. This is called vote trading, or vote swapping.    “It’s a win win to vote trade

[caption id="attachment_16737" align="alignnone" width="600"] Carlos Aguirre (left)[/caption] Creepy clown sightings, real or fake, has sparked real fear and anxiety across the country. Last week, McDonald’s decided to limit the activities of its clown mascot Ronald McDonald. Tuesday, Target started removing clown masks from its shelves. It is an issue of thriving for these two giant companies, but for full-time clowns, the sightings have become a matter of survival. Halloween is just around the corner, but many performing clowns have seen a drop in party invitations. So last Thursday, a dozen of New York-based clowns came to the Spanish-speaking Hermanos Vazquez circus

From lofts in Bushwick to bars in downtown Manhattan, New Yorkers tuned in Sunday night to watch the presidential candidates go at it again in their second televised debate. NYCity Lens reporters watched with them.  Bushwick Berners take the debate with a grain of salt   Even though many of the supporters of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders wished it was their candidate up there on the screen instead of Hillary Clinton, they gathered Sunday night at the Bushwick Berner loft, where they once campaigned for him, to watch the second presidential debate. With Sanders out of the race, laughter replaced cheers as the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump