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March 2019

[caption id="attachment_20834" align="aligncenter" width="1200"] Juana Narvaez and Guadalupe Moreno stand outside their housing complex in Red Hook. (Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio/NYCityLens)[/caption] By Giulia McDonnell Nieto del Rio Residents of a New York City public housing complex in Red Hook, Brooklyn, have been without heat for nine days now, with occasional shortages of hot water, as temperatures hit the low 20s this week. Those living at 31, 37, and 39 Centre Mall in East Red Hook Houses—a public housing project— are struggling to get the city to respond to their complaints, many residents told NYCityLens. The 16 six-story brick buildings, less than ten

Derrick Richard began his adventure on the subway as a 2-year-old boy taking the hour-long trip with his family from their old home in Brooklyn to their new home in the Bronx. Along the way, Richard, now 22, remembers watching people enter and exit the train cars at each stop. When it was their turn, they transferred from the C train to the 2 train at the Fulton Street station in Manhattan.  He also remembers gazing at the buildings outside once the train emerged from the tunnel to the elevated platforms in the Bronx. For this train enthusiast, this was the

[caption id="attachment_20788" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Housing Works thrift shop in Chelsea hosts "ReFashion Style Squad" evening, part of the Department of Sanitation's ReFashion Week (NYCityLens/Alice Chambers)[/caption] The New York Department of Sanitation doesn’t usually concern itself with high fashion. But it did last week. From 6 to 8 p.m. last Wednesday around 60 shoppers drank champagne, ate cupcakes and got style advice from five New York Instagram influencers, while they browsed racks of secondhand clothes at Housing Works, a thrift shop in Chelsea, all thanks to the city's sanitation department. The event, called “ReFashion Style Squad,” was part of the first New York City

Michael Bloomberg, 77, the former mayor of New York City, has announced that he will not be entering as a candidate in the 2020 presidential election. There were rumors circulating that Bloomberg would consider a run as a Democrat, after making a statement that an Independent run would not be successful in the upcoming election in January—a bid he had considered in the past. His name came up in both 2008 and 2016 was a potential independent candidate. Instead of running, Bloomberg will focus on expanding his campaign, Beyond Coal, which has already closed more than half of America's coal plants, and

Snow was piled on the ground and temperatures hovered below 40 degrees for the first Saint Patrick’s Day parade of the year out in Rockaway, Queens, yesterday. But the residents turned out strongly anyway. Crowds of bright green lined the parade route, an antidote to the chill weather. Saint Patrick’s Day is not until March 17th, but parades happen in New York throughout the month so that the same bands can march in all of them. That’s why Rockaways celebrates so early. For them Saturday, March 2 was the real celebration, nothing much happens on the day itself. [gallery columns="1" size="full" ids="20752,20739,20734,20736,20744,20733,20743,20745,20741,20740,20737"] “It