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Protesters wanted to extend the Temporary Protective Status of immigrants.

On the day of the World trade Center attacks, fireman Jimmy Lanza rushed downtown with

The case against New York City's most notorious jail

After some hiccups in the first week of service, the new operator of the East

A beautiful building is preserved, but the cost may be high

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It took some doing, but P.S 25 Bilingual is getting a Wiffle ball clinic

Pro-Europe candidate Emmanuel Macron is the clear favorite among French expats in New York

The arrival of a tech hub on 14th Street has neighbors worried about the character

A pop-up event in Chelsea was a small part of a big Earth Day 2017,

Thousands of New Yorkers took to the streets in the city on Earth Day; similar

Friends gathered in Brooklyn to mourn and pay respects to the family of 23-year-old who

[gallery columns="1" size="full" ids="18290,18291,18292,18293,18294,18295,18296,18297,18298,18299,18300"] The annual New York City Easter Parade on 5th Avenue draws hundreds

Advocates confirm the fear of deportation in the Trump era is keeping some victims silent

With these new sweeps, the number exceeds 70 in less than two months

With shoppers going to the web and store rents on the rise, shops in the

Peace groups voiced their opposition to President Trump’s action against Syria in front of Trump

A derailment on New Jersey Transit caused ripple effects still evident two days after the

On anniversary of Martin Luther King's Death, one group decries the death of Ramarley Graham

The statue was in an honor of International Women’s Day and it was supposed to