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Politics & Policy

As a senior campaign adviser, she helped elect Kathy Hochul lieutenant governor and re-elect former

After five years of community organizing, advocates succeed in getting law preventing employers from discriminating

The legislation raises concerns that it could exacerbate the issue most unhoused have with the

Following the introduction of legislation to defund harm reduction and overdose prevention centers, advocates held

After the bill failed last year, activists and lawmakers are hoping Albany is finally ready

With no federal funding in the 2023 Budget Proposal, major cuts are inevitable

Advocates for the homeless say that plan could amount to a continuation of ineffective policies

As Mayor Eric Adams plans to expand facial recognition technology to fight rising crime, new

The bill, which is the first of its kind introduced in the U.S., would alter

NYC politicians take aim at the new apps promising speedy grocery deliveries, saying they may

New York’s small businesses say they are getting crushed by Big Tech companies’ anti-competitive pricing.

BIPOC arts organization receives funding from City Council.

PULP and the American Association of Retired Persons wrote a joint letter to the Hochul

Protestors outside the convention Wednesday urged state leaders to pass a bill that would transform

Two gatherings across the Bronx denounce years of indifference.