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Politics & Policy

New Yorkers rally as the country gears up to choose a successor to Ellen Johnson

One of the concerns of residents is that auto workers in Jerome Avenue would be

A $20 million investment to improve crumbling medians on Kings Highway. A blitz to paint

Emotions ran high Thursday night at a public hearing about proposed rezoning plans for Inwood.

After a visit to a Harlem charter school, neighbors are irritated with the Speaker and

De Blasio to spend $100 million to complete the Manhattan Waterfront Greenway on the Upper

When it comes to subway upgrades, New York State holds the power

The city has allocated $30 million to improve the park, but how it will be

Earlier this year, a new bill was introduced into the House and Senate that could

Pro-Europe candidate Emmanuel Macron is the clear favorite among French expats in New York

Turkish-Americans weigh in on a referendum that consolidates the president’s vast power

At 10:45 p.m. on Tax Day, Mary McDonald stood at a desk at the James

While many New Yorkers marked the holiday, a small group showed its support for the

Advocates confirm the fear of deportation in the Trump era is keeping some victims silent

One woman's deportation story