New York Fashion Week, the largest biannual fashion event in the city, unveiled the fall collection for 2016 in February. The fashion scene is changing: designers are increasingly using African fabrics and Fashion Week is attracting African designers, many for the first time, who are ready to brave the fashion scene and make their mark.
Jojo Abot, an African designer and artist from Ghana, is determined to break into New York’s fashion scene and hopes other Africans will join her effort.
“We will continue to be bold and we will continue to be proud of who we are,” she said, adding that the group would “not dilute the beauty that is our culture but stand firmly behind it and express that boldly and share it with the world.”
Jojo is only 26 and ambitious. During Fashion Week, she put herself on the line by renting a store to put on a show of her collection and designs. It was her first appearance in the city’s seminal fashion event.
Out of Africa and Into Fashion Week from NY CITY Lens on Vimeo.