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March 2020

Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced stricter rules on communities and businesses to slow the spread of COVID-19 on Friday morning. All employees of "non-essential" businesses are required to stay home. Essential service businesses as defined by New York State include doctors, hospitals, media, grocery stores, bodegas, pharmacies, etc. Like the rest of the city, Harlem's residents tried to adapt to the rapidly changing situation. The parks are still open. [caption id="attachment_22055" align="aligncenter" width="1168"] A lone boy plays basketball at St. Nicholas Park. The rest of the court, handball courts, and children's playgrounds are empty. March 16, 2020[/caption] [caption id="attachment_22057" align="aligncenter" width="1168"] Workers coordinate as Key

COVID-19 is here. Broadway shows have gone dark, sports events cancelled, large gatherings have been banned, schools have been shuttered. The number of confirmed cases ratchet up daily, but life goes on,  only altered.  In this space, NYCityLens will document how New Yorkers are going about their daily lives in the time of the Coronavirus.  Visit us often, as this page will be continually updated. The most recent items are at the top. Connecting in Our New Normal  Tuesday, March 24th— In the Coronavirus age, we are being asked to stay home and self-isolate. But humans need other humans. We need to

[caption id="attachment_22046" align="alignnone" width="600"] What should people know about coronavirus?/ Drawing by TuAnh Dam for NY City Lens[/caption] By Currie Engel and TuAnh Dam  As New Yorkers know all too well, Coronavirus, or COVID-19, has hit the city. Now, there are more than 923 cases, as of March 17th in the city, and 204,255 cases around the world.  As the virus spreads, rumors spread too. Here are some common misconceptions about the virus and the ways it could impact your life.  It’s just the flu It’s not.  Although health officials don’t know the precise mortality rate – coronavirus could be underreported because of early problems with

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[caption id="attachment_21974" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] Theatergoers are promised refunds for tickets as Broadway is temporarily shut down / Photo by Sudan Ouyang on Unsplash[/caption] Broadway theaters shuttered Thursday evening as the coronavirus outbreak escalated in New York. Mayor Bill de Blasio declared a state of emergency for the city and Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a ban on gatherings of more than 500 people, which went into place that same day for theaters. The ban will be put into effect Friday evening for other facilities. The ban exempts schools, hospitals, nursing homes, and mass transit facilities. All around Times Square, which is typically a